The Early Years
Bryson Perkins, World Champion Master Sugar Artist grew up in the beautiful island state of Hawaii. Growing up in Hawaii set the tone for his colorful and awe inspiring master pieces for the years ahead. Understanding color quickly became a natural gift for this master sugar artist. Bryson moved to New Hampshire at the age of nineteen to explore other opportunities and possibilities. Shortly after moving to NH (over 5,000 miles from home) Bryson discovered a cake decorating book laying in the middle of an aisle of a book store. Intrigued and peaked with curiosity he purchased the book and began experimenting with different techniques and mediums. A new hobby perhaps? Little did he know that one day his new found craft will take him to place he’s always dreamt of...
Bryson worked his way up from being a cashier at a local grocery chain to becoming the lead cake artist in their bakery. Two years later, he was offered a cake decorating position at a local pastry shop where he began to expand his knowledge of cakes and pastries. After a four year’s at the local pastry shop Bryson found himself wanting more of a challenge. In December of 2012 he helped open Triolo’s Bakery in Bedford, NH where he was the resident Creative Director.
Competition career
In 2011 Bryson Perkins began his competition career at the Connecticut Cake Competition in Hartford, CT. His nature inspired wedding cake was awarded a blue ribbon. The competitive bug has bitten him! For the next four years he began building quite the reputation for himself in the competition world. Garnering multiple “Best in Show” awards, first place “Masters” division awards, Decorators choice awards, People’s Choice awards, and other divisional awards. In 2015 Bryson qualified as the sole competitor to represent the United States in the inaugural Cake Designers World Championship in Milan, Italy where he placed fourth out of sixteen qualifying countries. In 2017 Bryson qualified once again as the sole USA representative in the Cake Designers World Championship, this time bringing home the silver medal. 2017 seemed to be a banner year, because He also brought home the highest honor of Cake/Sugar arts. Bryson won the Grand National Wedding Cake Championship at the Oklahoma State Sugar Art Show. Returning a year later to win first runner up! Other notable honors include: Dessert professional magazine -2015 top ten cake artist in North America, 2016 Top Ten International Cake Artist-NY Cake Academy, 2018 Top Ten USA cake artist-Cake Masters Magazine just to name a few.
Sprinkles on the Cake
For the love of cakes and sprinkles Bryson founded Manvscakes brands in February of 2019. Beginning our product offering with cake, cupcakes, cookies, and dessert sprinkles/toppings.
Offering unique themed sprinkle mixes for everyone and every occasion!